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Thread: Like 3 Little Fonzies: How to be cool under the gun

  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn E. Meyer View Post
    Don't have an airsoft 642 but have a gray plastic solid 642. Been going around the house with some fake money in one pocket, the replica in another - pretending to comply by fishing in both pockets, coming up with 'cash' in one and 642 in other has money reached out. Didn't use the empty real gun as the clicks will make the loved one annoyed (learned this in the past). Dry fire is now in the basement.
    Good on ya’ Glenn! 👍🏽

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by UNM1136 View Post
    Gold, right here...

    In Bosch Legacy on Amazon Prime the retired homicide detective is hired as a consultant for a case where he comments that the suspect's confession was "cooked" by a detective with a preconceived outcome. He mentions how the goal of an interrogation is to get the suspect to talk, not to frighten them into confessing. Looked for the clip and couldn't find one...

    The inference is you want a discussion you can steer, lowers the guard, relaxes the target. Admissions generally come before confessions...


    Thread drift, but Ali Soufan in The Black Banners describes the interrogation techniques used on guys with links to the USS Cole bombing and 9/11 attacks. They basically brought the guy in, sat down with him and made some tea, and just started talking. The FBI guys would always pretend to know more than they did, and would "prove" it by telling the suspect all this stuff that they knew, often the suspect would start talking about the event in question and either be bragging or justifying the act, and in the process would give a lot of information, assuming the FBI already had it. It wasn't a hardcore lights on, good cop/bad cop thing.

  3. #93
    Short video of this I demo’ed at the Combatives Association Summit.

  4. #94
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    Craig makes it look smooth! Really need to practice that! Is there a place for disposable money roll, fake wallets / creds etc. almost makes you want to walk around with a burner phone. However, could see that pissing them off worse. Maybe just keep DL in separate secure place, and keep nothing with ID or address.

    Harkens back to the old CIA “MK Ultra program,” wherein the utilized the talents of magicians to help the agents with deception.

    I took Craig’s ECQC way back, and can remember the LONG drive home, totally obliterated what I thought I knew , or “was gonna do!” It changed my entire mindset, game, etc. This adds more complex food for thought, but is really kind of the essence.

  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Polecat View Post
    Is there a place for disposable money roll, fake wallets / creds etc. almost makes you want to walk around with a burner phone. However, could see that pissing them off worse. Maybe just keep DL in separate secure place, and keep nothing with ID or address.
    I generally run a roll of cash in my front pocket just because I don't like sitting on it and quite often, cash and a phone is enough of a take on a street robbery.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by SouthNarc View Post
    Short video of this I demo’ed at the Combatives Association Summit.
    Notice how Craig moves his body. He sets up and normalizes the hip turns, making it an expected behavior. The hip turns allow him to draw and go with maximum efficiency and lulls his attacker into complacency while doing so.

    Building advantage where there seemed none...


  7. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by SouthNarc View Post
    Short video of this I demo’ed at the Combatives Association Summit.
    "One of the biggest misunderstandings in the popularization of strategic theories of the late Colonel John Boyd [see Thread 1] is the idea that speeding up the Observation - Orientation - Decision - Action (OODA) Loop (shortening the decision cycle) is the primary goal of strategy—i.e., the idea that faster is always better. Actually Boyd did not say this, he said quicker is better. His aim was to produce a quicker hierarchy of tactical, operational, strategic, and grand-strategic OODA Loops, which is a relative notion, that compares one to one's adversary.

    "In fact, it can be argued that Boyd's work was directed primarily at showing why and how quickness enables one to get inside his adversary's decision cycle. He showed how quickness enables a competitor to present his adversary with a series of unpredictable changing conditions. In essence, these quick changes disconnect his adversary's mind from the menacing events threatening him. But he understood and emphasized that the goal of quickness does not always equate to high speed, which is an absolute notion."

  8. #98

  9. #99
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    Away, away, away, down.......
    Interesting post from a Ukrainian vet who was wounded while fighting and is now living in Canada. It’s part of a lessons learned during the the invasion that he’s doing. This post deals with traveling/evacuating as a civilian and being robbed by either gang, militia or soldiers etc., but I’m posting it here because it’s another dude on the other side of the world who cam to the same conclusions other folks here have.

    He uses google translate to post, so I clarified a couple things in [] since I’ve been reading machine translated Ukrainian for like 2 1/2 years and understand a lot of the mistranslations/ context stuff

    Have cash with you. For a robbery. A little, so as not to excite further greed, but not too little, so as not to cause anger. Something in the region of fifty dollars. This is enough to cause satisfaction with the robbery. And not to encourage a new one. They will take it away and let it go. They will also help carry bags.[they will steal your bags]
    If they rob you, give it back. Give everything. Do not provoke aggression. Don't be aggressive yourself. You can't stand up to armed angry men. Like you can't resist a hurricane. Or snowfall. There is nothing shameful about it. But don't fall at your feet, don't kiss your boots, don't beg. Don't be humiliated. Don't include the victim's behavior. In order not to provoke the behavior of the rapist. It is important to maintain a balance here. A little verbal resistance at first: "Guys, what are you doing, well, I have to go,"and then retreat. Switch their attention from yourself to the prey [prey would be loot i.e. shit they want to steal] Become secondary in this robbery.
    In general, pretend to be a village fool. Thank them, rejoice, smile, say stupid slogans even for them, so that they themselves sigh with the endowment, and you will quietly disappear from their eyes [this is for dealing with opposing militia or military.
    im strong, i can run faster than train

  10. #100
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    Murderham, the Tragic City
    RE: speed, attention and telegraphing a movement...

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