I had the distinct pleasure to teach Fundamental Revolver Skills in Culpeper, VA a couple of weekends ago, hosted by the cool dudes at Green Ops Training. Pat Tarrant was in attendance and published a full AAR of the class on Primary & Secondary which you can read here.
I'm currently working on future class dates for 2024, as well as rolling out a single day Unconventional Carry/Snub seminar, as well as a single day Advanced Revolver Skills class.For anyone considering carrying a revolver of any kind, I highly recommend Caleb’s class. For a taste of what you can expect, he recently released a video with Panteao Productions available at MakeReadyTv.tv. Shooters on the more experienced side of the utility curve would probably benefit the most from this class. However, even new shooters would find a lot to learn, and Caleb’s personality and teaching style is very welcoming to people of all background and skill levels.