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Thread: LokNLod needs thoughts

  1. #31
    Site Supporter 1911Nut's Avatar
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    He will be in our prayers for a rapid and complete recovery.

  2. #32
    Just saw this. Adding our prayers for his recovery.
    Adding nothing to the conversation since 2015....

  3. #33
    Site Supporter
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    I am praying for him and his family.

    Get well brother!
    God Bless,


  4. #34
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    New Mexico
    From Josh’s wife’s FB

    “ Monday evening update (4/24/23) - Today has been a pretty uneventful day, but I’m taking that as a good thing. He hasn’t made much progress. But stabilization and rest is what he needs right now, and no major set backs is good. At least that’s what I’m clinging to.
    We don’t know yet if the bleeding on his brain is getting worse. He will have another ct in the morning (unless they feel it’s necessary to check sooner). Please pray BIG that the bleeding has stopped and is not worse than the scan this morning.
    He’s still responding in the same ways he has been when they reduce his sedation (grasping a hand, wiggling his toes, etc when asked to). They do this once every hour. He still can’t move his left side, but does respond to pinch and pain on that side. So he has feeling, which is a good sign. His right pupil is still dilated and unresponsive. We are praying that improves as the swelling goes down. and he has not opened his eyes yet.
    He’s tolerating all the meds to reduce the swelling well. We are praying the swelling and bleeding will stop and he won’t require surgery to remove part of his skull to relieve pressure. There are a lot of complications surrounding that that we really don’t want. His vitals have been good, other than some fever. They have a cooling blanket on him to try and lower that and prevent a spike. But that’s somewhat to be expected.
    At this point we are just in a waiting game. Taking things literally minute by minute. Please pray hard tomorrow and Wednesday, as days 3 and 4 are supposed to be the worst with stroke patients.
    He is very very critical and has a very long road ahead of him. I’ve been a mess and have appreciated all the support more than you know. I feel so lost without him by my side, and so confused as to why or how this even happened. He’s so young and healthy. But I’m praying that being young and healthy is what spares his life with this. Please continue to pray BIG. We aren’t ready to live this life without him.

  5. #35
    Dot Driver Kyle Reese's Avatar
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    Wishing him and his family all the best.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #36
    Mi Sheberach in English Translation

    May the One who blessed our ancestors —

    Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

    Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah —

    bless and heal the one who is ill:

    ________________ son/daughter of ________________ .

    May the Holy Blessed One

    overflow with compassion upon him/her,

    to restore him/her,

    to heal him/her,

    to strengthen him/her,

    to enliven him/her.

    The One will send him/her, speedily,

    a complete healing —

    healing of the soul and healing of the body —

    along with all the ill,

    among the people of Israel and all humankind,



    without delay,

    and let us all say: Amen!

  7. #37
    Josh took a turn last night and had to have an emergency surgery to remove a piece of his skull to relieve pressure for increased swelling and bleeding. He could use some extra thoughts and prayers right now.

  8. #38
    Site Supporter Kanye Wyoming's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear that. He is in my prayers, which are the same as posted by @Tackleberry40sw below. Except I’m going with .45 ACP prayers instead of 40sw - more stopping power.

  9. #39
    Pilgrim/Stranger awp_101's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    More thoughts and prayers for Josh and his family!
    Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits - Mark Twain

    Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy / Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?

  10. #40
    Josh’s wife just posted that he is responsive again after the surgery to relieve pressure.

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