I'm in no way any sort of gunsmith- but I would bring the pistol to a gunsmith.

Springfield might fix everything exactly the way you want it, or they might not. My one experience with Springfield's customer service was exceptional, but even if they made it "better", what are the odds that they would make it "as good as you want it to be". Both Wilson and Nighthawk are happy to do reliability work on quality 3rd party guns such as yours.

I've recently acquired a "grail gun" sort of Springfield for myself, and I'll be sending it off to a gunsmith before the end of the week. Not that there's anything "wrong" with the gun, I just want the reliability, accuracy, and durability of the gun to be "maxed out" within my ability to pay.

I bought a used Colt that had (what I'm assuming) were extractor-related malfunctions. I brought it to a smith (Briley, in Houston) and asked for the gun to be made reliable. When I go it back, it easily passed a 10-8 sort of check, and I haven't had issues since. A smith could also identify and address other slight issues that may (or may not) be present in the gun.

At any rate, it certainly looks like a nice piece, and you deserve to have it bring you confidence and joy when you shoot it.