Any idea what's in the two pods (front and bottom)? The helicopter took off pretty quickly after I started taking pictures.
news Bell Long ranger with a WESCAM camera system and microwave downlink to broadcast back to the station.
Dude, "they" are onto you. Send all gun related items to me for proper storage. PM me and we can work out the details........
Participation does not equal Proficiency
- Mike Pannone
If you are in the Annandale area, then we may have heard/seen the same choppers. But this was at 10PM-1AM....very annoying....there should be a noise violation.
Just a couple of notes:
If they are part of a home invasion (sorry, no-knock subpoena I mean), then they don't usually hover right over the target's house because they are afraid of being shot at. They typically hover at a safe distance.
General Rule for Life: If you try to guess at someone's motivation for their behavior you will almost always be wrong. The only way to know for sure is to ask them yourself. i.e.-If the chopper moved after you took your pics, it probably has nothing to do with you taking pics. Call the police and complain and ask.
But if you need to stash some ammo, PM me.
That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state;
What GJM said. It's local TeeWee news: The air force of the Bavarian Illuminati.
If you ever see footage on the morning news when the chopper is in transit to a traffic pileup or anything, it'll have the camera locked to the rear for travel and you'll have a good view of the MW transmitter.
N98CL comes back to an NBC news chopper if you plug it into Google.
Last edited by Tamara; 05-19-2013 at 05:34 PM.
Brilliant.N98CL comes back to an NBC news chopper if you plug it into Google.