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Thread: Osama Bin Laden is dead

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    In 2001 I worked in deceased accounts at what was then Chase Manhattan Bank. There were four of us that got assigned to handle all the 9/11 accounts. The death certificates started coming in about the beginning of November 2001. The first one to come across my desk was a NYC firefighter. At one point I counted over 600 death certificates on my desk that all said the same thing "Manner of death: homicide. Cause of death: physical injuries; body not found." I had a death certificate for an elderly passenger on Flight 93 that listed the cause of death as "Fragmentation blunt force trauma." Processing the accounts of all the victims was a process of reliving that day every day for months. While the war is far from over, a certain amount of justice has been delivered for those people and their families and I will take quiet satisfaction in that.

    Thank you to all the members of our armed services and intelligence agencies. Everyone from the guy in the recruiting office in a neighborhood strip mall to the cooks on the Navy ships in the Arabian see, to the maintainence crews for the aircraft and the analysts and translators in their cubicles at Langley to the guys that kicked in the door. They all stepped up and answered the call and did what their country asked of them. This is a victory for all of them.

    And on a humorous note, I read this on a political humor blog and had to share it:
    "If I were an ammo manufacturer, I’d be rushing to check if my bullets were used to kill Osama, because that would make a great ad campaign."

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    West Coast USA
    God Bless America and all our our US Troops and the guys working Intel, but it ain't over.......

  3. #73
    Member Pistol Shooter's Avatar
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    Obama Won't Release Photos Of Dead Bin Laden

    "In an interview with 60 Minutes, President Obama says he won't release bin Laden images taken to prove his death." (CBSNews Twitter)

    "President Obama has decided not to release photographs of Osama bin Laden's body, a senior official tells NBC News" (Breaking News Twitter)

    Really pisses me off.

    Nearly ten years waiting to find out that gutless murdering bastard got what was coming to him and now, no pictures.
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  4. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I can't say I'm surprised. I see both sides of the argument. My guess is they will get "leaked" at a later date. Those that don't want to believe it will just say the photos have been "photoshoped" anyway, especially since a faked photo has already been on the 'net.
    Formerly hombre gris
    I am no longer LEO, never .MIL. I am .DAD and my attitude will reflect that.
    Cogito ergo armatus sum -- I think, therefore I am armed

  5. #75
    Join Date
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    Fairfield County, CT
    They should have brought the body back, impailed it on a stake, then set it out for the crows.

    And put the body of his wife, kids and 2,000 other random people from the neighborhood of the compound on stakes surrounding him.

    I mean, hell. If we are going to be hated as Americans, lets be hated for something meaningful!

    But that's just my opinion.
    And I'm probably wrong.
    And slightly sociopathic.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Hartsdale, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by ToddG View Post
    Doh. Fixed it. Finger is in a splint and my typing has been way off. That's why I've posted so little.
    That 7.5lb trigger pull on the G17 is a freak'n killer isn't it.

    Switch up to using the middle finger like that guy from the Sniper movie.

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    SE, MI
    whats so different about this picture compared to all the other war time casualty pictures that are released?

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Releasing the official photos of his corpse only encourages martyrdom by his followers. By not releasing images of the dead body, we minimize him. Forget about bin Laden. There's nothing left of him to remember by now.

    Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk

  9. #79
    Murder Machine, Harmless Fuzzball TCinVA's Avatar
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    I remember seeing people leap to their deaths from the WTC. I remember certain segments of the world celebrating when news of it reached them.

    I must confess to being completely unconcerned with how some groups feel about pictures of a dead mass murderer.

    Show them.

  10. #80
    Member MechEng's Avatar
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    Northern VA
    Assaulted the compound, shot him in the face, flew his carcass out and dumped him in the ocean. The end of Osama only took a few measly hours (Kudos to DEVGRU) but the drama & arm chair quarterbacking will go on for freaking ever.

    It really doesn't matter one way or another weather they release the photos or not. The conspiracy morons won't change their minds and Islamic Rage Boy will just find some other reason to burn the American Flag.
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