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Thread: Condition Red 1 Day Medical - Human Cadaver Lab - Fri, Apr 30, 2021 - BOSTON, MA

  1. #1

    Exclamation Condition Red 1 Day Medical - Human Cadaver Lab - Fri, Apr 30, 2021 - BOSTON, MA

    Hey guys - I'm just passing this on as an ... interesting ... training opportunity.

    I'm signed up as a paid student.

    This is a hands-on medical class with actual (deceased) human bodies.

    This is unique opportunity to get as real-world as you can (safely) in a clinical setting under the instruction of a pro who trains USAF Pararescue and US Navy SEAL medics.

    I'm told this is being held at cost (cadavers are expensive). This is also comparably cheaper than a live tissue lab.

    For some (like myself) the class can also serve as stress inoculation.

    -You'll learn how to control bleeds with red dye being pumped through blood vessels
    -Ever wanted to do a needle decompression for tension pneumothorax?
    -A cric airway?
    -An I/O access when you can't find a blood vessel to place an IV?

    Here's your opportunity.

    In this class there will be no limitations on what can be done with the cadavers for educational purposes.

    It will be very dynamic in that regard (severed limbs, maybe even burns etc)

    Come with a strong stomach.

    It is a zero round count class. Just show up.

    Photos and video will be permitted, with some limitations out of respect to the donors and their families.

    Chris van Houten
    Condition Red, Inc

    Human Cadaver Lab
    Friday, April 30 (9 am to 5 pm with a break for lunch)
    Boston, MA

    This is a hands-on medical course - but not your ordinary medical course.

    Human cadaver lab.

    Skills include:

    tourniquet application
    wound packing
    junctional hemorrhage control
    oropharangeal airway
    nasopharangeal airway
    king airway
    surgical cric
    needle decompression
    finger thoracostomy
    chest tube insertion
    gross anatomy
    intraosseous access
    and more.


    The instructor can be reached by text and e-mail:

    Text message:


  2. #2


    i believe this is the first time this particular class is going open enrollment.

    if you have a facility that can host this type of training - please get in touch with the instructor - he may be able to come to you.

  3. #3
    Site Supporter Paul D's Avatar
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    For $600, that would be a great experience. Learning to do procedures on dummies is not the same as doing it on the real thing. Anatomy, tissue resistance to punctures, etc: it's not the same. When I train nurses on hold pressure on femoral arteriotomy sites, they find out quick how much technique and nuances of the body really count. A surgery colleague of mine trained on using robotic surgery equipment on live pigs that were intubated on the vent! She said it was way more valuable to work on a live subject than a computer simulation or mockup using sliced American cheese as tissue.

  4. #4
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    ‘With a break for lunch’

    Yeah, right.

    Looks like a *great* class though!
    The most powerful and harmful influence Trump has had on our politics…has been the effect on his opponents. They have been triggered into an orgy of self-mutilation—eager to amputate their own history and disfigure their own political traditions.

  5. #5

    I've donated my body to science. I'm also an organ donor, but I expect most everything will be worn out by the time I'm done.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Totem Polar View Post
    ‘With a break for lunch’

    Yeah, right.

    Looks like a *great* class though!
    Yeah, I think I'm gonna jam a big breakfast and try to hold onto it.

    I'm told lunch is right around the corner in Boston Chinatown.

  7. #7


    Gonna be an interesting AAR.

    Do I post pics and vid?

  8. #8
    A gut-check class. Literally.

  9. #9
    Site Supporter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totem Polar View Post
    ‘With a break for lunch’

    Yeah, right.

    Looks like a *great* class though!
    Lunch is the best part of my day!

    What? I get hungry when I'm working...

    It's an interesting class. I wonder how they got permission from the decedent's families. This type of educational activity is not usually covered under body donation. By maybe MA has different laws.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Dr_Thanatos View Post
    Lunch is the best part of my day!

    What? I get hungry when I'm working...

    It's an interesting class. I wonder how they got permission from the decedent's families. This type of educational activity is not usually covered under body donation. By maybe MA has different laws.

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